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Imaginationland Episode III
Imaginationland Episode III
Inside Imaginationland, Stan and Butters engage in the battle of their lives as they fight the army of evil imaginary forces. Meanwhile, Cartman continues the battle to the Supreme Court in order to f...
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Randy steps forward with a solution to fix the desperate state of the economy. The town gets behind him and everyone begins to live a life that no longer depends on any economy at all. Meanwhile an un...
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Fun With Veal
When the boys learn where veal comes from on a field trip to the local slaughterhouse, they instantly turn into junior eco-terrorists (call Tom Ridge!). After calf-napping all the future parmigiana meat in town, the boys blockade themselves in Stan's bedroom, where Stan develops a "genital" disease from his diet of fruits and vegetables. Maybe tortured baby cow meat really does a body good.
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