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Professor Chaos
Cartman, Kyle and Stan have been thinking long and hard about Butters' job as the replacement friend since dear sweet Kenny kicked the bucket. Unfortunately they feel that his attempts as nice as they...
Randy steps forward with a solution to fix the desperate state of the economy. The town gets behind him and everyone begins to live a life that no longer depends on any economy at all. Meanwhile an un...
Red Hot Catholic Love
Red Hot Catholic Love
"Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys" you say? Not on Priest Maxi's watch. Even if it means traveling to the Vatican and enduring the real-life challenges of a 4K video game, circa 1982. Oh, and Cartman cra...
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Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers
One of the Goth kids has been sent to a camp for troubled children. When she returns, her friends find her changed in a disturbing way. With their very existence threatened, the Goths have to do something drastic. They are forced to ask the Vamp kids for help.
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