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City Sushi
City Sushi
Butters is diagnosed with Multiple personality disorder. The boys want to help Butters find out what is really happening to him but Butters may not like what they find.
City on the Edge of Forever (Flashbacks)
City on the Edge of Forever (Flashbacks)
While their school bus is dangling on the edge of a cliff, the boys remember some of their past adventures. Mrs. Crabtree catches a ride into town with a stranger and winds up doing a brief stint as a...
Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy
Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy
Cartman is appointed to the post of School Hallway Monitor at South Park Elementary. In his new role, Cartman takes it personally when an infraction is committed in his jurisdiction. When Kyle discove...
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World War Zimmerman
This episode parodies the movie "World War Z".
In this South Park episode, Cartman is deeply disturbed by a person, which he considers to be a threat to all humanity (and it is not Kyle).
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