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Cartman Sucks
Cartman Sucks
Lice Capades
Lice Capades
An infestation of head lice plagues South Park Elementary. When Garrison refuses to name names, Cartman finds a way to detect who has lice so they can make fun of the unfortunate kid.
The Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer
The Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer
The boys will stop at nothing to watch the new Terrance and Phillip movie trailer. Even if it means sitting through thirty minutes of "Russell Crowe: Fightin' 'Round the World." Hey, at least it's not...
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Good Times With Weapons
South Park takes on the look of Japanese Anime. The boys are transformed into Japanese Warriors after they buy martial arts weapons at a local flea market. Their sworn enemy, Professor Chaos, confronts them and a highly stylized battle ensues.
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