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More Crap
Randy becomes South Park's home-town hero when the guys down at the local bar see the size of his most recent crap. Randy contacts a society that keeps track of the world record, thinking his masterpi...
Stan's life is in shambles both at home and in school. Randy's obsession with the Food Network is changing everything. It even forces Sharon to explore a new interest of her own. When his mom takes of...
Eric is handing out invitations to his birthday party at school. Mr. Garrison informs them all that there is a new student joining the class. Announcing to all that he is Damien, the son of Satan. Eve...
Views: 57417
Jesus vs Santa - The Spirit of Christmas
This short was made after Brian Graden saw "Frosty" and wanted Matt and Trey to update it. It was distributed as a "Christmas video" in 1995 and quickly got around the Hollywood circuit. By next Christmas it made its way onto the Internet and fan sites of the short appeared a few weeks later.
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