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Trapped in the Closet
Religious leaders recognize Stan as the second coming and a whole soap opera unfolds with the help of a famous R&B singer.
A Scause for Applause
A Scause for Applause
Rocked by the recent news of drug use by a beloved icon, the world is left feeling lost and betrayed. The boys, join with the rest of the nation, and remove their yellow wristbands. Everyone is on boa...
Jimmy comes up with one of the funniest jokes of all time and Cartman takes credit for it. It becomes so popular it makes all the late night talk shows and is played on Kayne West who doesn't get the...
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Naughty Ninjas
The ever more PC citizens of South Park decide that they no longer need a police force. As the first American town to get rid of their cops, they plan to celebrate their advanced sensibilities with a PC Carnival.
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