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The List
The List
In this episode, the girls in the fourth grade class make a secret list that rates every boy's looks from cutest to ugliest. When the boys steal the list they are unprepared to deal with the results.
Make Love, Not Warcraft
Make Love, Not Warcraft
The boys dedicate their lives to defeating a mad gamer and saving the World of Warcraft.
Tonsil Trouble
Tonsil Trouble
After a routine tonsillectomy goes horribly wrong, Cartman comes face to face with his own mortality.
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The Hobbit
Wendy tries to prove a point about how much pressure little girls feel to look like celebrities. Her latest soapbox issue gets her in trouble with everyone at school. It also gets Clyde a new girlfriend. Wendy also tries to set up Butters with one of her friends.
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