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The Snuke
The Snuke
The citizens of South Park are gearing up for the arrival of Hillary Clinton for a big campaign rally. Meanwhile, Cartman suspects that a new Muslim student is involved in a possible terrorist attack....
Merry Christmas Charlie Manson
Merry Christmas Charlie Manson
Kyle, Stan and Kenny accompany Eric and his family to a Christmas celebration with the Cartman family. One of Cartman's relatives breaks out of jail for the reunion, with his cellmate, Charles Manson.
Christmas Snow
Christmas Snow
It's a bleak Christmas Season in South Park this year and it's all Santa's fault. He is single handedly stealing the joy from the holiday. The town just wants their Christmas Spirit back but that will...
Views: 54663
Gladiator parody
This is a South Park - Gladiator parody from the MTV Movie Awards in 2000, titled "The Gauntlet" it's similar to a certain fight scene in the original but the boys refuse to fight and features Scientologists.
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