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Beloved entertainers are being cut down in their prime due to massive overdoses of opiates. Stan is about to be exposed as the source of the illegal drugs.
Canada On Strike
All of the Canadian Bacon is stolen, and the boys get blamed, they take a long journey to prove their innocence. During this journey, Kyle sucks Cartmans balls! (yes canadian bacon is just sliced ham)
Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers
One of the Goth kids has been sent to a camp for troubled children. When she returns, her friends find her changed in a disturbing way. With their very existence threatened, the Goths have to do somet...
After nearly five years and 89 episodes, it finally happens: Cartman gets kicked out of the gang. The reason? Bebe gets boobs and the boys go ape, threatening their friendships and society as we know it.